Time to reintroduce you all to Kory Salagean, a leading lady in the Columbia story. Kory entered the scene in August of 2019. Since then, she has quickly transitioned to being a main character. Kory completed her Series 65 in 2020 and is a registered investment advisor in the State of Michigan. Titles aside, what really makes Kory so valuable is her helpful, diligent, no-nonsense approach to office life. She makes sure ALL the tasks get completed, helps everyone with everything, all while keeping us laughing with her quick wit and dry humor. She also has a sixth sense of knowing when a little caffeine is needed to get through the day and has been known (on multiple occasions) to hand deliver espressos
(complete with a side piece of chocolate) to her co-workers as an afternoon pick me up.
Since we are on the story theme, what is your favorite book?
Five Presidents. It is well written book looking behind the scenes at five presidential administrations. It also explores a wide range of topics with in-depth details.
Do you have a favorite movie, and why?
The Sound of Music because I love musicals. I watch the movie each year with my family and even traveled to Salzburg, Austria so I could visit the setting of the movie I love so much.
If you could describe a perfect vacation, what would it be?
I am a very outdoorsy/adventurous person so New Zealand would be my ideal travel location. I would love to explore the beautiful scenery, hike through the hills, swim in the ocean, bungee jump and parachute.
What was your favorite part about your recent visit to Romania?
I traveled to my parents’ homeland to attend the wedding of my cousin. Once again, I was able to visit and see many places from my family’s history. I highly enjoyed spending quality time with my family and visiting my parents’ childhood villages. The most memorable part though was visiting and chatting with my 99-year-old great, great aunt.
If you could share a meal with four people (dead or alive) who would you pick and why?
Madeleine Albright, Emmanuel Macron, Dean Martin, and President Carter (or as his dinner friends called him “Jimmy”). This was not an easy dinner party to construct but I think their diverse backgrounds would provide great dinner conversation. I would love to gain some insight from each of their most notable moments. Dean Martin would be a lively addition and would offer comedic relief with his stories of the good ole days in the Rat Pack. As the first female Secretary of State, I’m sure Madeleine Albright can handle herself in a male-dominated room and I can’t pass up on the opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of her childhood and time in the Clinton administration. As to President Carter and Emmanuel Macron, let’s just say I have lots of questions to ask. Though I’m hoping that by inviting a Frenchmen he might bring along a delicious cheese & dessert plate.
If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
I talk too much, perhaps too loud, and always say what is on my mind (just ask Brian).
Best advice you’ve ever received?
“Work for Brian” 😊